Nextra 3.0 is released. Read more

Twoslash Support

Twoslash provides an inline type hove inside the code block.

Basic usage

You can enable twoslash to your code blocks by adding a twoslash metadata:

```ts twoslash
// @errors: 2540
interface Todo {
  title: string
const todo: Readonly<Todo> = {
  title: 'Delete inactive users'.toUpperCase()
  //  ^?
todo.title = 'Hello'
Number.parseInt('123', 10)
//      ^|
               // Just comments, so Popup will be
               // not behind the viewport of `<code>`
               // element due his `position: absolute` style


interface Todo {
  : string
const : <Todo> = {
title: string
: 'Delete inactive users'.()
} .title = 'Hello'
Cannot assign to 'title' because it is a read-only property.
  • parseFloat
  • parseInt
  • prototype
('123', 10)

Custom log message

You can add log message to your code by adding:

  • @log: <message> Custom log message
  • @error: <message> Custom error message
  • @warn: <message> Custom warn message
  • @annotate: <message> Custom annotate message
const  = 1
Custom log message
const = 1
Custom error message
const = 1
Custom warning message
Custom annotation message
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